Pyogenic granulomas are small, raised, and red bumps on the skin. It is benign and non cancerous.
Pyogenic means pus-producing, and a granuloma is a cluster of white blood cells reacting to infection, causing a lump.
Starts as a pinhead-sized growth that quickly enlarges to between ⅛ inch and ¾ inch.
Sometimes getting as big as two inches.
May be red, brown-red, or blue-black in color.
May have either smooth or rough surface and some may feel moist
May bleed easily
Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or the use of birth control pills.
Infection with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection).
Minor injury or irritation to your skin or mucous membranes (such as poor oral hygiene or piercings).
Stage 1:
Detoxin Tab
Royal Tea
Stage 2:
Beet V.C
Kordy Capsule
Double Ginseng