Restores cranial nerve function. ST Pills is a pure natural herbal product for the prevention and treatment of cardiac and cerebral vascular disease, and the sequel of apoplexy, hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs or paralysis.
ST Pills was established as a key scientific research project by the State Science Committee and was approved to be produced by Ministry of Health of China. There is numerous scientific data in pharmacology (basal & clinical), pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, and clinic trial based on years of research. It proves scientifically that ST Pills has very good effect to proves cerebral vascular circulation to dissolve thrombus, to resolve encephaledema, promote the absorption of focus of cerebral hemorrhage and restoring cranial nerve function. ST Pills also has specific effect for treatment of cerebral vascular diseases, (such as hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, twisting mouth & eye-lid & language disturbance), ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris. It is safe to take without side effect. It is clinically reported that efficacy rate is 94.24% for cerebral vascular diseases and 93.24% for cardiovascular diseases. ST Pills can be taken for prevention as well as for treatment for the above-mentioned diseases. Patients recovered from apoplexy are also suggested to take prevention dose continuously for certain period because these people generally are at a high risk of recurrence of apoplexy.
Indications: Hemorrhagic apoplexy, ischemic apoplexy, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, cerebral arte-riosclerosis, facial paralysis, ischemic heart disease & angina pectoris & their sequela like hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, twisting mouth and eyelid and language disturbance. For long-term prevention use in above diseases.
Administration and Dosage: For oral use, 2 times daily. 8g each time (about 48 to 50 pills). It can be taken for 10 days continuously with an interval of one day. 30 days as a course of treatment. 3 courses are suggested. If therapeutic efficacy occurs, it can be taken continuously until recovery. For prevention dosage, 4g each time, 2 times daily.
Precaution: Don’t use if pregnant. During usage, if you feel a dry-hot sensation occasionally, then you can reduce half dosage or suspended taking it for 1 – 2 days if necessary.
Specification: 80g per bottle.
Storage: In cool & dry place.
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