Dial B (Diabetes)
Main Ingredients: Radix Puerariae, Radix Astragali, Radix Trichosanthis, Stylus Zeae Maydis, Fructus Schisandrae, Sphenantharae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Glibenclamide.
Function & Indications: Nourish kidney-yin, benefit qi, and promote generation of body fluid. Used for diabetes mellitus due to deficiency of qi & yin (non-insulin dependent diabetes) manifested as thirst, polydipsia, polyphagia, polyorexia, emaciation, tiredness, fatigue, shortness of breath, indolent about speaking.
Administration and Dosage: For oral use, 5 – 10 pills before meal, 2-3 times daily. According to the state of illness, increased of 5 pills once progressively but not exceeded 30 pills daily, when increased to 20 pills daily, at least divided into 2 times for oral use. When a satisfactory result is obtained, reduce the dosage to a maintenance dose and directed by a doctor.
Precaution: Don’t take sulfonylurea medicine at the same time. Don’t use during pregnancy. Forbidden for cases with allergic reaction of sulfonamide. Forbidden for cases complicated with ketoacidosis, coma, severe burn, infection, severe traumatic injury and great operation.
Specification: 30g per bottle
Storage: keep in cool, dark and dry place out of the reach of children.
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