Our today's Health Discussion shall be based on Typhoid
What causes Typhoid?
Typhoid is a deadly bacteria infection caused by a bacterium called Salmonella Typhi, a member of Enterobacteriaceae, mostly found in contaminated food, water and sewage. Enterobacteriaceae is the largest and most heterogeneous collection of medically important gram-negative rods.
Typhoid could be very dangerous and can spread infections in your organs and can create holes in your intestine. When someone naively consumes contaminated food or water, Salmonella Typhi enters their body and makes the way to the stomach. Over there, in most cases over a healthy person, the stomach acid will immediately react and kill the unwelcomed bacteria. Thus, the person won't fall sick. But when someone's stomach does not produce ample acids to kill these bacteria, the Salmonella makes the most of this opportunity and rushes to the small intestine where they enter the cells lining the intestine. This activates a strong immune response leading to inflammation of cells, which can create tiny holes in the intestine causing intestinal contents to leak into your abdominal cavity, making the infected person extremely sick. There can be perforation. And it can take weeks/months before you notice some symptoms.
It doesn't stop there. These cunning bacteria enter the lymphoid tissues, which are the part of the body's immune system that is important for the immune response and helps protect it from infection and foreign bodies. And after that, salmonella Typhi quietly makes their way into the bloodstream and finally spreading to the other organs like liver, bone marrow, and even your heart and brain, leading to symptoms like headache, loss of appetite, body ache, cough, abdominal pain, high fever (103 - 104o F) and Constipation/diarrhea.
Diarrhea helps these bacteria to come out of its human host and spread into the environment with poor sanitation, looking for new victims. But don't worry, Typhoid can be treated. But it can lead to death if untreated. It is unessential to take precautions to protect ourselves from these evil bacteria. Just make sure to wash your hands with warm, soapy water before you eat and after using the toilet. Do not forget to boil or disinfect any water that will be used for drinking and avoid eating raw food from street vendors. It's more likely to be contaminated.
Typhoid passes from human to human. Typhoid can be found in water, vegetation, soil, or intestines. There's a story about a lady called Mary Mallet born in Island in 1869 but popularly known as Typhoid Mary, a famous carrier of Typhoid bacteria responsible for outbreaks of the fever in New York then i.e. around 1900 - 1907. Due to improper hand washing, 51 cases of typhoid Fever and 3 deaths were recorded even though she herself is immune to the bacteria. Typhoid are facultatively anaerobic (good with/without oxygen). Anyone with a fever >102o F should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Now I arrive at the end of our Health Discussion.
The Solutions to this cunning bacteria are just 4 Products
Angel Tea,
Kordy Caps,
Any questions Sirs/Ma?
All medicines can be gotten from HERE
