Today, we’re going to discuss about one of the most infectious diseases in the world that has been affecting humanity since ancient times. And despite advancements in medicines, it is still one of the most destructive sicknesses ever known, and its called TUBERCULOSIS or popularly known as T.B.
So, what is Tuberculosis?
Well, it is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria called “Mycobacterium.” Tuberculosis can travel through the air into our windpipe and enter our lungs. And when that happens, typically, our immune system detects the bacteria and send an army of immune cells called the “Macrophages” to the infected area and chew the unwanted bacteria. In most cases, this immune response is more than enough to deal with TB bacteria, but not everyone can be so fortunate enough. Yes, those with weak immunity due to any underlying medical conditions such as HIV, Diabetes, Malnutrition etc. find it hard to fight the TB bacteria. And when that happens, the “Mycobacteria” takes over the “Macrophages” and begins to reproduce, and multiply inside it. And soon, they began to form colonies in the surrounding lung tissues, infecting them and eventually destroying them, leading to severe chest pain and can cause the person to cough blood. The infection in the lungs can decrease the level of oxygen in it, creating a series of hormonal changes inside the body such as; a decrease in appetite leading to weight loss, back pain, abdominal pain, fever, night sweats, and can even harm the brain function. Also, it is very very very important to know that TB can be contagious. Yes, if an infected person who is untreated sneezes or coughs, it sends droplets with the bacteria into the air. Inhaling these infected droplets is the usual way TB can spread from one person to another. But not everyone who inhales infected droplets will get sick or show such symptoms, and that is the reason it is divided into two categories.
First, is the “Latent TB Infection”; this is when people who have TB bacteria in their bodies, but they don’t feel sick or have symptoms. And unfortunately, they also cannot pass TB to others.
Next comes the “TB Disease”. This is when people with M. Tuberculosis bacteria become sick and have symptoms. Sometimes, it can happen if a Latent TB Infection was not treated, and they can spread TB to others.
But the critical question is, is there anything we can do to prevent this disease? Well, you can take a few small steps to keep yourself safe and healthy. First, is to avoid close contact with anyone who has active TB. Next is to maintain a healthy diet by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and hygiene. And lastly, if you find anyone you know seems to have any of the mentioned symptoms, do ask them to visit a doctor. As with the timely treatment and the right medicines, their lives can be saved.
About one quarter or the world’s population is infected with Tuberculosis bacteria. Only a small proportion of those infected will become sick with TB. Also, of the estimated 10 million people who fell ill with TB, only 7 million were detected and notified in 2018, leading to a gap of 3 million cases. Ending the TB epidemic by 2030 is among the health targets of the Sustainable Development Goals and make TB a thing of the past.
But do we have a final Solution to this ailment?
Absolutely YES!
Red Tea,
Royal Tea,
Danshen Plus,
Kordy Caps,
Double Ginseng,
White Balm (to be inhaled),
Herbal Steamer Machine.
Everything can be gotten from our store
