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Your Blood Group and its taboo


Updated: Aug 18, 2022

I notice that some people are having some types of sicknesses and they have tried to find a solution to it but yet, all efforts prove abortive. It's not that the medicine is not working but because you're actually doing the wrong thing too.

This evening we shall be discussing about our blood group.

My name is Dr. Ifeoluwaseun, your Health Tutor. Our main discussion will be on few blood groups and we know some facts. Now, let's begin!!!

As a blood group O, you keep eating plantain, just like you have heard that plantain is good for everyone, isn't it? Then, as a blood group O, you keep eating plantain, keep chewing as much as you like, because they said plantain contains iron.

The main question is, what is the percentage i.e. quantity of iron contained in a plantain? Not everyone knew this. All we knew is that plantain has iron and we agreed.

For the blood group O, don't take too much iron. Why? Because you're a general donor. Your blood is light by nature. Then, you're taking certain things that makes it lighter. You'll have no clotting factor. Another thing is that, you that you belong to blood group O and you're eating wheat, you're predisposing yourself to diabetes. You keep eating wheat, you keep eating corn. You have predispose yourself to diabetes Why? Every Human being is made up of sugar molecules. The blood group O is made up of fucus sugar molecule.

The blood group A is made up of fucus and en acetylene.

The blood group B is made up of fucus and the galactosamine.

While the AB is made up of sugar of A and B.

So, naturally, if you eat food that does not contain your type of sugar, your body will be looking for where to keep the sugar. And when the sugar is too much in the body, it converts into fats. After it is converted into fats, it will store in the liver. And once it is saturated in the liver, diabetes starts. Reason is because the remaining sugar that cannot be converted will begin to go round the body. Some people will treat Malaria severely but that Malaria will never leave. Have you ask yourself why? Check your liver, it may be fatty. Because fatty liver gives you that Malaria feelings all the time. Because when your bile is trying to break down fats, and then the fats is coming over again, the bile is underworking. You'd begin to feel that Malaria.

Now, what are the things that some blood groups should not eat?

For the blood group A, you know doctors do say, when you reach 40 years, you should begin to mind how to eat cow meat, isn't it? It is actually good ...but for certain people. There is certain diet that are good for certain people. An example is the lion and the elephant. What food does the elephant eat? Grass, fruits and vegetables, right? Is that not what the elephants eat? What about the lion? Flesh! Have you ever seen lion eating fruits and vegetables? Between lion and elephant, who is fatter? It is that simple. Between the two of them, you know who is heavier and who is fatter. It simply means there are certain diets that some people will take and will not be okay for them.

You're blood group O, and you go on vegetarian diet, you're bringing trouble for yourself. You're blood group O, and you're looking severely thin, something is wrong. Blood group O are majestic people by nature, because they are meat eaters. I didn't say you should eat meat with fats o. The fats are not okay. There are limit that you can eat. Blood group O, either you're above 40, please don't stop eating meat. Eat meat in good quantity; 7 times a week.

If you're advising someone with diabetes to be eating beans, you're not helping that person; I mean someone with blood group B. If you say eat beans as much as you can, eat beans very well, it's not ok.

Do you know the molecular difference i.e. chemical difference between protein and carbohydrate? There is just one small difference. Guess what it is? It is nitrogen!

Now, for blood group B who keeps eating beans, that nitrogen will go into the kidney. The kidney of the blood group B is not efficient enough to digest that thing. Then it keeps storing, and keep storing. You can make your research.

If you're asking for proof? Your own body is a scientific proof for straight calculations. Make research

Blood group B, stop eating beans, stop eating garri, stop eating ugwu, stop eating chicken. The chicken that they say is white meat here is not good for everybody. The same cholesterol contained in chicken is the same cholesterol contained in cow meat. Our meat here in Nigeria is what the white men referred to as organic.

Our cows eat grass. Our meat is healthy 💯 If they kill our own type of cow over there, they call it organic. Our own pineapple here, they call it organic, and then you buy it very expensive. But here, we're learning to eat their own food.

Blood group O, do not eat groundnut! Why?

I love groundnut. I will eat and eat and eat. But when I'm working, I have this funny dizziness in the head. I mean funny headache. Someone once told me that he has been having headache for the past 40 years. And I ask the person, are you hypertensive? He said no! He said it's from his childhood. I then ask, do you eat groundnut? He said, he can eat 6 buckets of groundnut only him. I said there you are. That's why you will have headache for 40 years. He stops eating groundnut for just 3 months. He didn't take any medication at all, and he didn't have the headache again.

Blood group O and blood group B, groundnut is not ok for you. Cashew nut is not ok for you.

Although, blood group B, do well on other nuts, but blood group O, you do not do well on nuts because those nuts contain aflatoxins that your body cannot digest. Your body cannot send out.

But for blood group A, groundnut is beneficial for them. You get it? One man's food is another man's poison. Na our fathers talk am. It's like they knew what is wrong without science then. You can make your research.

Now, let's go to yoghurts.

Blood group O, no yoghurt for you.

Blood group A and B, take yoghurt.

What about milk? don't be scared if you're Blood group O.

Dem talk say milk get calcium, isn't it?

Blood group O, please no milk for you. Milk is not a good source of calcium for you. Because naturally as a blood group O, you're wired from heaven not to be able to break down lactose. Some hypertensions and diabetes in Blood group O is caused by milk.

You will see some children, 24 hours a day, their nose is leaking. They will go to doctor; they will take vitamin C. There's nothing they won't give them; antibiotics, everything but still yet, the nose go still say emi lo kan (it's my turn). Just stop giving your children, if you're O or A, stop giving them milk for just one month and see if their nose will not dry off. All those coughs, asthma, they would not have it again. Just try it. It is a simple thing. Try it for one month.

Blood group A, please do not eat cow meat. Cow meat predisposes you to heart problems. Bush meat, goat meat, ram meat, all of Dem red meat, don't eat it at all. Don't say you will eat Kanda or shaki and...

Everything from Mr. Cow, you blood group A, say goodbye to it. But blood group O, enjoy it.

Blood group B, eat cow meat maybe once a week. But you can eat liver, intestine, cow leg as much as you like. But the red meat itself, please blood group B, eat it once a week. Your best meat is ram, goat. They are ok for you.

But blood group A, eat snail, eat turkey, eat chicken.

But blood group B, do not eat Chicken please. Chicken predisposes blood group B to a disease called lupus. You might have heard of this disease before. It is called lupus; Your tissue will began to fight each other other. They don't recognize each other again.

For blood group O, if you say you pass 40 and you stop eating meat, you'll have arthritis. Because you're a proteinoid person by nature and you have building blocks of protons. If you think you're blood group O and you want to lose weight. I mean if you really want to loose weight, please don't eat bread, don't eat corn, don't take dawa, don't drink pap, no custard.

Blood group A, they are vegetarians by nature.

While blood group B is oyinbo; fruits and vegetables people. You know they say fruits is good for everybody, no be so? It's not true please.

Blood group O, if you want to try something, eat apple in the night. In the night when you finish eating, eat apple and see what will happen to you in your sleep; you might have bad dream.

You wake up in the morning, and under of your leg is paining you. You get up, under of your leg is paining you, you cannot walk. You guess what could be the cause? You’re eating the wrong carbohydrate.

Blood group O, whether you have diabetes, please eat garri. Don’t eat wheat.

But blood group B, do not eat garri. Do not eat garri at all because garri can make a blood group B to have diabetes.

How about Irish potato?

If you’re blood group O and A, bye-bye. Leave it for B and AB.

But as for sweet potato, blood group O, eat sweet potato.

Blood group A, no potato, no yam, no cocoyam, no any type of yam for blood group A.

Above all, study your body. If you eat a certain diet or food and it's not ok with your body system, try to do the same again for verification. Once you understand your body system, you will know what to eat and what not to eat.

In here, I'd like to rest my fingers till some other time. It's My Pleasure serving you this evening. I remain Dr. Ifeoluwaseun. Thank you everyone

Please get your PVC! It's very important.



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