Good Morning to everyone and how are we all doing?
We shall be studying on our kidney today. Let me take it from this angle. The best water to drink is the actual drop of water that comes down from the sky, and did not touch anything before getting into your container. Let's look at sachet water and table water. There's a particular chemical used for preservation of water which is not good for human consumption. We call it Hydrogen chloride HCI2
Hydrogen chloride is a colourless to slightly yellow, corrosive, nonflammable gas that is heavier than air and has a strong irritating odor. It has many uses, including cleaning, pickling, electroplating metals, tanning leather, and refining and refining a wide variety of products. It is very corrosive. HCI2 is a type of chemical that when placed in a corner of a house, and a flock of goats were ushered in and lock the door, these goats will not last 1 hour before they gave up the ghost. A bit of this chemical is what is being used to preserve our table water and sachet water and before you knew it, pure water is out. It protects the water from being contaminated. Chlorine CI is added to our table water for preservation. And this is what is being served in parties. Just like we all knew table water is what Doctors usually recommend. Now, this is how we are affecting ourselves. In parties, and even inside our house, when we're served 3 big meats, we eat the whole 3 meats. Are we not the one that provide for the house? En now, we are. So, we should eat the whole 3 meats, isn't it? But if it's a woman, she would say, my children would soon come back from school, let me leave 2 meats for them. So, she would eat just 1 meat. Meat when eaten, takes 8 hours to digest in our intestine. Supposing you eat 3 meats, it might take longer. There's another meat in Yoruba language called isan eran. This meat when given, we chew and chew. And when we see that it's losing taste, we swallow. This particular meat do took longer to digest. And after that, we open our table water and gush in.
Supposing, in our occasion, beer and water were served with other things, some people will like to have the beer instead of the water.
Is the size not a factor?
The size and how many meats will determine how long digestion will take.
Although, the table water and the sachet water has its own preserving chemical, some people prefer to choose beer. He can drink 1 or 2 bottles, or one crate. He will boast that he can drink a factory of beer. Inside us, anything related to liquid is being handled by our kidney. When we drink water, the two kidneys handle them. If it is beer, yoghurt etc. the kidney still handle it thinking it is water. Now, just like we do sieve our flour at home. There's something inside our kidney that sieve whatever liquid that comes in i.e. separating the non useful from the useful part. If we drink water, our kidney sieves this water; removes the bad content from this water and pass it down to our bladder. When this bladder is full, it is then we knew that we want to urinate.
The useful part of this water goes for the usefulness of the body system. Now, when a man drank a beer, maybe 1 or 2 or crates, the kidney will think it is still normal water and began to sieve it. When this kidney can't find any usefulness in this beer, it continues to sieve rigorously. From a bottle of beer, the kidney can only see like 3% useful water.
And the kidney keeps working like a SLAVE i.e. sending the bad content down to the bladder. This is why drunkards do urinate every minute. There's no usefulness in alcohol.
If you think Spirit no dey make person urinate, is it useful for your kidney?
Supposing that person drank like 2 or 3 bottles or crates, the kidney works more than a slave, and when it's getting fed up, the kidney, which is at the back of our spine, close to the hips, will send a message to the Brain through the spine, that there's a problem. Our medulla oblongata will receive this message and notify the entire system as well, but the kidney will continue working like a slave. This drunkard will only know that his stomach is getting fat, but will never think there's a problem in his body system. He will continue drinking and continue urinating. Now, when the message is being sent to the medulla oblongata, the brain seize normal functioning. This is why you will see a drunkard telling a trailer that he will crush it with his bare hands. He will look at anybody and tell that person, I can burst your head with this bottle. He will talk anyhow and act anyhow. He is not himself. The medulla oblongata has stopped functioning properly. Now, when he is done drinking, as time goes by, his senses will be coming back gradually. His brain will be functioning normally again. Now, the real problem here is that, when the kidney works tirelessly, that thing sieving the alcohol aggressively can cut as times goes on if the drunkard did not stop. This simply means his kidney will still be there but unable to sieve properly again. The drunkard has finally killed himself.
Now, as for the person drinking water, when his bladder is full, but because he's in a meeting/occasion, he got lots of work to do, he's traveling, Customers need his attention, etc. he will delay going to the toilet to ease himself. Since the bladder is full, and the kidney never stop working, the urine inside this bladder will be getting filled up gradually to the kidney side, and their urine will be mixing with the water the kidney is working on, giving the kidney more work to do. Please, as we're discussing about our Health this evening, if you want to go and urinate, please go. I give you 5 minutes. Don't affect your kidney please 🙏
Urine is a waste Product from the body system. This is why if people are urinating near a particular fence or wall everyday, before you knew it, that place would never smell good and there will be mark on that fence. The only two people that do affect their kidney are those people who drink alcohol, or did not urinate on time. When we keep holding urine for too long, it shows on our leg, as our leg will keep increasing in size. As we're taking care of our assets at home, let's take care of our Health as well please
I want to ask a question and I want us to answer the question in our heart. What do you eat yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening? And what do you eat today, in the morning, afternoon, and what are you preparing for dinner presently? If we check very well, we will see that it's more than 80% carbohydrates. And doctors do tell us that our carbohydrates consumption should not be more than 5%.
Let us check what we consume at time interval. We should have a balanced diet.
You can pile up your questions
Please, also note that it is good to eat rice with vegetables than rice with stew. The vegetable has more nutrient than the stew. Our main discussion for today is on BP. I will be very brief and we round up. In simple form, Yoruba call it eje riru (rushing of blood). But why do we have high blood pressure? Our heart is like a car engine which uses petrol to sustain. Our heart uses blood. Place your hand on your chest and feel how your heart is breathing. It is working normally, isn't it?
Our heart pumps blood into the arteries. Let me clear it this way in simple form. Just like our water ways, even pipe. When the channel is clear for the blood to flow, the heart pumps blood easily and the blood flows easily through the arteries. Now, supposing, there's a blockage on the way, the blood would not be able to flow easily; causing a damp on the way. When blood keep reaching that area, and unable to keep moving easily, that place will be getting filled with blood and few blood will be allowed to pass. When it is getting more and more, the heart will want to keep pumping, but since the blood is not flowing, the heart will add pressure so that "it must flow" and the rate at which our heart is beating will increase. The higher the beating, the higher the pressure. This is why it is called high BP, because our heart is adding pressure to make sure the blood must flow through the arteries.
Blood fat and cholesterol are those that cause blockage in our arteries. This is why Doctors do say, don't eat vegetable oil that has cholesterol. It will surely cause blockage to the arteries.
Please, also note that you can't walk for a kilometer till you reach your destination, place a hand on your left chest and saw that your heart is beating faster, and conclude that you have high blood pressure, NO.
That is not high blood pressure but exercise.
Please note that there's a solution to all sicknesses, as long as you're still breathing.
To get a result of high blood pressure, if you visit a hospital, you must have reach there, and rest for up to 1 hour. During that time, you would have calm down and your true bp will show. Exercise makes your heart beat faster, but if after 1 hour, the bp is still rise, then you have high BP.
Now we arrive at the end of the Discussion.
Do I have questions Sir/Ma
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