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Updated: Jan 16, 2024

You are welcome to this platform where Cool Wealth is made with ease. In here, our first rule is; think goodness about everyone and register your mind. When you think goodness about everyone, goodness comes to you as well. The second rule is to be truthful. Truth exalt a nation. Nation begins from one man. It is truthfulness that will soar you up. We all need an helping hand in life which is why we think goodness about you.

To become a doctor, you go to medical school.

To become a lawyer, you go to law school.

But to become financially independent, what will you do?

A woman will tell you that, once my child graduates from school, he will find a good job, and become successful, and I will be enjoying from the fruit of my labour. Hmm! Help me to ask that woman that, is that child not going to marry? If yes, won’t they have children? Immediately a man got married and have his own offspring, what will be draining his pocket gradually is already tabled before him. The more his wife put to bed, the more his finance is affected. Now, when such boy, who is now a man fails to do the needful because there’s nothing much in his pocket, his mother will be saying, and I suffer a lot on you o, and I do this and that… You don’t give me money, you don’t do this or that… But, is that man financially independent yet? He too is spending on his offspring, hoping to reap the fruits of his labour. And the cycle continues again and again.

The road to financial success is very rough and tough, but if carefully walked upon with full attention and wisdom, it is easier. We brought this to you because this government has absolutely nothing to offer us. They are angels during election period and demons in the next 4 years. So, let us call them wicked angels or probably, "caring demons". WHEN ARE WE GOING TO BE FREE?!

Remember, our first rule is; think goodness about everyone so that goodness can come to you, and also, register your mind. You need to make fortune! When you make fortune, you won’t forget to pray for us. And this is our mission; To make cool wealth with ease.

Let us check our financial status right now. Are you satisfied with it? YES/NO?

If “YES,” please stop reading. But if NO, stay and be active. It is how thirsty you are for wealth will determined how faster and far you will soar. I am not saying that you should go and do money ritual or disobey the law of the land. But you can be financially free! Everything begins from your mind. We all wanted to have a Sound Life filled with Peace of Mind and we have tried all our possible best, yet, not making enough. What people really want and expect from us is; get a shop, or work in a particular place, and be getting peanut as salary. Whereas SALARY means Something Always Low and Reduces You. It reduces you to a stage that you can’t function in other department except that particular one which you’re operating from. And you will become a genius because you do that work every blessed day. Humans will say get a shop and be selling things and let’s pray for you to be making sales. Prayer is good! Don’t misunderstand me. But what is even the meaning of SHOP? Stay Here and Operate Poverty; this is the exact definition of SHOP.


It is when you get a shop that people believed you're actually working. They never believe that you can be at the comfort of your home and be making Cool Wealth legitimately. They termed such as laziness or Ponzi scheme. But should we continue to work in great sweat and make peanuts? Hell No!

Some people will go to shop since early morning till closing time, but will not make a single sale. What are they going to eat at home? Oh, I forgot Daddy will soon come home. Please don’t put more pressure on Daddy. And moreover, how will the following day be?

There’s a Yoruba adage which says, “ise de, omo a la se je. owo de, omo a la se la.” This simply means you can only eat with work; you can’t make wealth with work. That’s just the plain truth. If you should build a house, or buy a car with work, it is through great and tough sweat. It is only Business that can give you wealth with ease.

Ise de, omo a la se je. Owo de, omo a la se la...

Imagine, a school teacher where each pupil pays 20,000 Naira for school fees excluding other fees. If there are like 30 pupils in that class, the total sum being make from that single class is 600,000 Naira. But the teacher that is teaching in that class can never get 10% as his salary. He can only get perhaps 20,000 Naira as his salary. Now, who is suffering, and who is making it? Ise de, omo a la se je. Owo de, omo a la se la.

The teacher is really suffering to work as ordered or be sanctioned, but being offered peanuts. No matter the work you’re doing presently, there’s nothing bad in adding to it. Even Dangote does not follow a single line of business. If you fail to build your dream, another man will hire you to help him build his. And the very day you fail to work as ordered, you shall be sanctioned.

In the Book of Genesis, the water that flows into the Garden of Eden are four rivers; Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. If God can send four rivers into the Garden of Eden, why do you have a single line of Business? I advise you to have another life line. Have a plan B. Even plan C and plan D.

I want us to look at a table from our mind; how many legs does it have? Four! Isn’t it?

Supposing you remove one of its legs, what is going to happen? The table will still stand but be shaking, YES/NO? If a marriage wants to be okay, then the husband (the head of the house) must have as little as 4 Sources of Income. Why do you think Dangote in Nigeria have many companies? You can’t have a single source of income and expect everything to be fine. Not in this country! What if something worse happens to that single line of Business?

Some time ago, few people are into POS Business and they are making it. The multitude doing POS Business right now calls for attention to this present government to create employment. But since they fail to create one, why not create for yourself?

You don’t need to have millions before you can be like Dangote. You don’t need to wait for that brother/uncle/guy/friend before you think of how to change your financial status. Pull up yourself! No one is going to help you unless you help yourself.

You’re born to win!

You’re an hero!

What I brought to you this hour is very easy; no stress in whatsoever! Our rule still remains, think goodness about everyone so that goodness can come to you.

If I should ask you that where do you sew your dress, you will tell me the person and even give me his/her contact, won’t you?

If I should ask you that, where do you make your hair, you will give me the exact location and I will go there.

But if I should reach this tailor or this barber and patronize them, will you get anything in return? Absolutely YES! You will receive thank you in return. And that is all; no little money as compensation or whatsoever.

But this is not the same with what I’m about to introduce to you. In your locality, and in your vicinity, there are some people around you that are nursing one serious sickness and/or the other but will never tell you because they believe there's no solution. Some might even tell you, but it would be very brief because they have spent a whole lot of money in the hospital without a sound and final solution and they’ve concluded that it is hereditary/spirituality. Moreover, lots of couples were barren for years and would put blames on their wives infertility whereas they're the actual problem. This is where you’re going to make your own money. Let them know that not everything is an act of spirituality.

As you woke up each day, while preparing for your daily activities. Tell that man/woman who is nursing that serious sickness that there’s a solution to what they are about to perform surgical operation on.

Make them aware that there’s a solution to that barrenness and that tough sickness/ailment. It might be diabetes, prostatitis, menstrual pain, fibroid, stroke etc. The solution is with you!!!

You don’t need to worry/stress yourself. You can refer them here and we shall treat their sickness or tell them to private chat if they can’t discuss it in public. And as time goes on, you will be having knowledge on how to treat each and every sicknesses/diseases. The first question they will ask you is that, are you a doctor? Yes, you are!

In here, we shall be treating one sickness each and every week and the final Solutions to them.

Make them aware that you have gotten a final solution to their ailment in DR. IFEOLUWASEUN - GREENLIFE HERBAL NETWORK LTD (RC - 1879937). We have great review from people around the world who have tried out our products. Please note that GreenLife is far different from GNLD, NEOLIFFE, KEDI, TIANSHI, NRG etc.

GreenLife Products works like magic. Our products are not food supplements but pure herbal medicine. If they want proof, there are proofs.

GreenLife takes sickness/ailment away with ease. We sent medicines nationwide and abroad through DHL Courier and Gig Logistics

We are aware that there are series of scammers online. But please, we are not scammers.

DR. IFEOLUWASEUN - GREENLIFE HERBAL NETWORK LTD (RC - 1879937) is registered under Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). If you make a payment, you're free to paste it on this blog or forum section, as evidence of money paid, and I will acknowledge it by posting the screenshot of money received and the name of the sender too.

When you receive the products you ordered for by DHL or Gig Logistics, you snap it and post it here as evidence that you have received what you paid for. You’re not buying medicines to sell like other companies. You use the person’s money to purchase his Products for him/her and get your benefits immediately. You’re not carrying medicine about; the Company does that for you while you get Credit Alert in the comfort of your house. Please note that you’re not working for anyone but working for yourself.

If there’s anyone that has gone to hospital to make a test, let that person send the test result here and receive a solution for it.

Our Membership Registration fee is 5,000 Naira only.

Don’t let anyone confuse you. Do not listen to People Discouraging People (PDP). They won’t help your financial status. I'm not talking about politics but about those people who have nothing to offer you yet won't want you to make it in life. They will tell you don’t do it. In fact, they will tell you how they do a certain similar business and never make a dime from it. They will give you 101 reasons why you shouldn’t do it. You will hear, you will never make it from them. Don’t listen to these people!!! Even when they see you making money, they will still tell you that it is a matter of time. Don’t listen to them. They are the People Discouraging People (PDP). The devil does not want some people to make it in life, and so they will want to affect your life likewise. Don’t listen to them.

Now, in what exact way does the Company pay its members?

This is where we are really going into...

Making money in GreenLife is very easy. Just follow the steps and pray. And you’d be successful. The Membership Registration fee is 10,000 Naira. The Company recommends that you buy some of the company’s product for your own personal use, so that you can tell others how effective the medicine is. Each medicine has its own BV (Basic Value) or PV (Point Value). So, when you buy like three products from the company, you must have had 50 PPV (Personal Point Value). You can buy the Herbal Medicines here. And supposing you don’t have money to buy the products, if you treat anyone with the company’s product, the point attached with each of those products will be submitted on your own registration ID Card. I’m talking about if you don’t have money to try the products. Once you got 50 PPV, you’re now a Senior Member.

Follow up the person you sold the herbal medicine to, he/she will surely call you again when he saw the miracle of the herbal products and he'd make purchases again. Remember that, you are already making money by selling these products to him. You’re not using your own money but his own money to buy his products for him. The more he keeps getting better, he will pray for you, recommends you to some other people who are experiencing the same issue, or other type of tough ailment/diseases. The more people buy the herbal medicine products through you, the more you receive instant credit alert in your personal bank account. Each Herbal Medicine has its own BV. Apart from this, the points attached to this product will be registered on your ID Card so you can still get your Bonus at the end of the month. Do you realize that you're now making money from two angles? i.e. instant profit when you sell a single product and Bonus at the end of the month.

Now, when you have now gotten 200PPV on your registration, you’re now a Planner. Now, what does the Company say?

The Company says that as you register and make money, invite your friends, and families and have pity on your enemies too. Tell them about the Company and let them register through you. When these people register through you, and they keep making money and getting their PPV, once anyone of them has acquired 200 PPV, you will collect ₦12,750 in your bank account as your own salary. What I’m saying is that if anyone of them can get 200 PPV as you acquire your own too, ₦12,750 is waiting for you as your Bonus at month end. Please note that, you can get your bonus twice in a month. Or even thrice. Or even four times. The Company pays without delay. You need only 4 members to train. Assuming these 4 members get their 200 PPV each at once, that is ₦12,750 x 4 members, which equals ₦51,000 into your own personal bank account. We accept all bank account for payment.

This is how it looks like

These Pure Herbal Medicine are solutions to all ailments and diseases no matter how tough each of them might be.

Tell your 4 members how you have made this ₦51,000 and let them also gear up to do their own too. Although, they will be making money from each product they sell, but they can’t compare it with you that just collect ₦12,750 in 4 places which equals to ₦51,000. So, after they have acquired their own 200PPV, let them also introduce this good luck to 4 different people. Let them teach these people how they are making this money. And if anyone or everyone of them were able to register 4 different people into this Company, and this set of 4 new members get their own 200PPV too, your own 4 members which you introduce to this business will get their own ₦12,750 in 4 places too, which means ₦51,000 each. Please note that as each person is completing the 200PPV, you get money too. GreenLife does not wait till all the four members get their 200PPV each before you get your own ₦12,750. At any point in time when anyone is set, Credit Alert drops immediately.

Now, since you have gotten your own ₦51,000 into your personal bank account or pocket, note that you have just acquired 800PPV unknowingly. I hope you remember that your own 4 members did their 200PPV each? So, 200PPV in 4 places gives you the 800PPV (₦51,000).

Just like this

You’re now a Team Developer (Stage 4). The Company requires you to have 750GPV (Grade Point Value) but you have acquired 800GPV which means you have acquired 50GPV in excess from what is required from you.

Since you have now acquired your own 800GPV, teach them and help your own 4 members to acquire their own 800GPV too. Reason is because the more you help them to make their own money, they won’t forget to pray for you and will tell others what you have done for them. Just like the Bible says, Heaven help those who help themselves.

Once everyone keeps getting their own 800GPV each, you will have a total of 800GPV x 4 which equals 3,200GPV. With this point that you have acquired, please note that you’re qualified to get more a total of ₦2,250 in 16 places which equals to ₦36,000 excluding the money you’re making on the selling of the company’s product.

Please also note that GreenLife Company will never because you’re making money now stop paying your directly introduced 4 members; WE PAY EVERYONE! We’re not KEDI or NEOLIFE. In GreenLife Herbal Network, everyone is qualified to receive money even if you’re more than a thousand or million. Nothing is hidden. Everything is plain. It is only GreenLife that gives 85% of his profit out and keeps 15% profit to himself. No other company can try that. It is only GreenLife Herbal Network that gives award twice in a year. No other company can try that. We stand on our own. We do not merge together like other companies.

So, as I was saying, the Company requires you to have 3,000GPV, but since you have acquired 3,200GPV, you have 200GPV saved, and you’re qualified to receive ₦36,000.

Help your 4 members too to receive this ₦36,000 each. If they receive this money, they won’t curse you but would rather bless you in their prayers. And also, tell your 4 members to help and assist their own 4 members too, so that they can make money as well. They won’t forget to say a word of prayers to you that brought them to this wonderful Company.

Once you can make this ₦36,000, you’re now a Team Leader (Stage 5)

Help your 4 members to become a Team Leader too and be getting ready to enter stage 6.

This stage is where you’re required to come and visit the Company in China free of charge. But if you’re not interested, the Company will not hesitate to Credit you ₦1,050,000 into your own personal bank account free of charge. NO ONE WILL SAY GIVE ME THIS MONEY THAT YOU RECEIVE. IT IS YOUR OWN MONEY. USE IT FOR ANYTHING YOU LIKE.

So, to acquire this Stage 6, the Company requires you to get 18,000GPV. But how will you achieve this? Remember that if your 4 members bring in their own 3,000GPV each as you brought yours, that is a total of 12,000GPV, isn't it? It has not reached the required 18,000GPV. Now, how will you make it? Keep encouraging and keep helping your 4 members and they too should be helping their own 4 members each. Among your 4 members, there will be someone among them who is really hungry for wealth. So, if the first person can bring like 9,000GPV, and the second person bring like 6,000GPV, this is 15,000GPV, isn’t it? Help your other members to acquire their own too i.e. 3,0000GPV. Once, your GPV reaches 18,000 GPV, congratulations.

Please note that your first member who got 9,000GPV needs 9,000GPV more to be attached to his own so that he too can get his own 18,000GPV. Your second members needs 12,000GPV more to be added to his own 6,000GPV to get his own 18,000 GPV too. The same goes for the other members too so that they can get their own 18,000GPV too.

Once you, or anyone from your 4 members or everyone reaches 18,000GPV, you will all be given ₦1,050,000 each into your personal bank accounts. If you’re the first person to get this 18,000GPV, you will be the first person to get this FREE International Trip or a Whooping Sum of ₦1,050,000 as you desire. If it’s just two people that are able to achieve this 18,000GPV, that means it is both of you that will get this ₦1,050,000 each. Anyone who first get this 18,000GPV gets the money. If it is all of you, you will all get the money each as well.

Please note that GreenLife do his Seminar twice in a year. The first one is around June. And the second one is around November. So, if you’re unable to meet up in June, try to meet up in November. And if you’re not able to meet up in November, try to meet up the following year.

We have no target whatsoever. It is how hungry you are for wealth and success will determine how quickly you will make money from GreenLife Herbal Network. Remember that it is the most successful one in the family that is being regarded as the True Son/Daughter. Others might also be trying but the one that is the most successful will be respected and praised most. You might be born poor but don’t die poor. Make use of your time while you’re still strong. Remember, old age is coming when you won’t be able to run here and there again. It is what you did now that will put your mind at rest. It is also the man that leaves tangible asset on earth before departing this terrestrial ball will be remembered even after many years. The poor might also be remembered too, but not for so long. Make hay while the sun is still shining.

Now that you have collected your own ₦1,050,000, help your 4 members on how they will receive their own ₦1,050,000 each too. If they receive this money, you will forever be known as their Saviour.

When your 4 members get their own 18,000GPV (₦1,050,000) each, you will be remembered by the Company and be given a Small Car Award worth 4.2 Million Naira. If you say that you don’t want this car too, the Company is ready and will credit your bank account with the sum of 4.2 Million Naira Cash.

I am very sure that if your 4 members saw that you have receive Credit Alert of a Whooping Sum of 4.2 Million Naira, their previous ₦1,050,000 won’t have any meaning to them again, as they will be eager on how they will receive their own 4.2 Million Naira each too.

Help your 4 members and let them get their own 4.2 Million Naira each too, so that they can boast in front of those who have thought they can never excel in life through GreenLife. They will forever be grateful to you that you show them this way.

Please note that when you got this 4.2 Million Naira, you have acquired 18,000GPV in 4 places which equals 72,000GPV. The Company requires you to have 70,000GPV but you have even acquired 2,000GPV extra. With 2,000GPV extra or not, you have your 4.2 Million Naira once you have your 70,000GPV.

This simply means you are now a Team Supervisor (Stage 7)

Now, when your 4 members have been able to get their own 4.2 Million Naira each, the Company will remember you that you have help your 4 members and will give you another cash of 7.5 Million Naira.

I am very sure again that your 4 members will also want to get the 7.5 Million Naira that you receive too. Help your 4 members to receive this money too. Once you do, you're entitled to 2% payment of Global Sales Share quarterly.

Once, just one person among the 4 members got his own 7.5 Million Naira, the Company will remember you and will give you in particular, that help him to get that 7.5 Million Naira, a new sum of another 9 Million Naira.

What I mean is that since you help just 1 person among your 4 members to get his own 7.5 Million Naira, the Company will pay you 9 Million Naira extra as compensation.

Help two people more from your entire 4 to get their own 7.5 Million Naira each too, and the Company will remember to compensate you in particular a Big Jeep Award worth 13.5 Million Naira. But if you said that you don’t want the Big Jeep, the Company will pay you the sum of 13.5 Million Naira into your personal bank account.

Help the very last person to get his own 7.5 Million Naira too, and the Company will now say that you deserve something better. GreenLife will ask you if you have a land to build on so they can build your own mansion for you. But if you say that, you don’t want a mansion, GreenLife will not hesitate to credit you A FANTASTIC SUM OF 30 MILLION NAIRA


Note that if you can have 5 registered accounts in GreenLife, every registered account is entitled to each and every benefit listed up there. It depends on you!!! Don’t worry about how far and how long the distance is on how to deliver the Herbal Products to anyone who wants to buy. DHL Courier is available to deliver Products to your people anywhere, anytime, no matter the distance/location even if it's outside the country.

GREENLIFE IS REAL AND PLAIN! ACT NOW!!! You might be receiving a very fat salary and huge allowance in your place of work. But I tell you the truth, the very day you retired, everything will be like a dream. No more salary or allowance. The only thing that remains is Pension, IF you’re entitled to it.

Salary is Something Always Low and Reduces You to Nothing

Shop is Staying Here and Operate Poverty.

It is only Business in GreenLife that can TERMINATE those insults that have been poured onto you before.

You need anointing that terminate insults! You need GreenLife! You need an Helping Hand!

GreenLife is God-Sent Business. Try it and see!!! Then you will know either to pray for I, Dr. Ifeoluwaseun or not.

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