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Is Oligospermia the same as Azoospermia?


Updated: Aug 18, 2022

In the era of our fore fathers, they do attribute childlessness to women alone, as they tag any unfruitful marriage as a result of barren woman; they will call wives all sorts of names. Meanwhile, the bridegroom might be the real problem. Years after years and decades after decade, solutions to unfruitful marriage began to manifest as machines/devices that detects problems and the carrier is being revealed. But since then, till now, we these present generation began to kick into the forgotten issue of the olden days as rates of childlessness is now increasing again due to our own ignorant act.

And this is is what we want to discuss on today.

This evening, we shall only be focusing on the males, and might attend to the females later on.

To all men, if you’re a lover of alcohol, marijuana, and hot bath, it’s time to say au-revoir to your hobbies because the more you make friends with them, the more they affect you. And before you knew what’s going on, solutions might be far from you. However, I would like to notify all men that if your oil well is getting dried or dried off completely, please don’t add more to the problems on ground. Don’t be surprised. It is very possible for a man oil well to dry off completely.


Let's continue...

We shall be discussing on two things which are very common among men. We can't actually call it a disease but it's a medical term.

What is Oligospermia?

Oligospermia is also called a low sperm count. Oligospermia means that you do have a measurable amount of sperm in your semen, but the numbers are lower than the typical numbers. Please note that this is different from Azoospermia. If you have azoospermia, it means there is no sperm seen in your semen.

Your sperm count is considered lower than normal if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Having a low sperm count decreases the odds that one of your sperm will fertilize your partner’s egg resulting in pregnancy but you might still be able to father a child. It’s just that the chances are very low.

Oligospermia has three categories;

  1. Mild Oligospermia; when the sperm count is between, 10 to 15 million sperm/mL.

  2. Moderate Oligospermia is diagnosed when the sperm count lies between 5 to 10 million sperm/mL.

  3. Severe Oligospermia when the sperm count is between 0 and 5 million sperm/mL.

Environmental causes of Oligospermia are;

  • Exposure to herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, painting materials and lead.

  • Exposure to radiation; with high doses of radiation, sperm production can be permanently reduced.

  • Overheating the testicles; frequent use of hot tubs might temporarily impair sperm count.

  • Sitting for long periods, wearing tight clothing or working on a laptop computer for long stretches of time also might increase the temperature in your scrotum and slightly reduce sperm production.

Other causes are;

📌 Use of cocaine or marijuana might reduce the number and quality of your sperm as well.

📌 Drinking alcohol can lower testosterone levels and cause decreased sperm production. 📌 Any occupation that is associated with prolonged sitting can decrease sperm production.

📌 Being depressed may negatively affect sperm concentration.

📌 Obesity can impair fertility in several ways, including directly impacting sperm.

Symptoms of Oligospermia are:

Swelling, pain, or lump in testis.

Sexual functioning issues like the inability to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse or erectile dysfunction.

Low facial and body hair growth and other signs of chromosomal abnormalities and hormonal imbalances.

Thick discharge

Enlarged and swollen veins in the scrotum.

If this problem happens due to transmission of a virus, then one can experience some burning sensation while urinating.

Preventions are:

📌 Don’t smoke

📌 Limit or abstain from alcohol

📌 Steer clear of illicit drugs

📌 Maintain a healthy weight

📌 Avoid heat

📌 Manage stress

Is watery sperm a sign of Oligospermia? Sperm must not be watery and must not be too thick

Let's go to Azoospermia

Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in your ejaculate. It is a condition where there is no sperm found in the ejaculate (or semen) after orgasm. Azoospermia is an uncommon but severe form of male infertility. It can be "obstructive," where there is a blockage preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or it can be "non-obstructive" when it is due to decreased sperm production by the uresis.

Azoospermia is 1% common among all men, and 10% to 15% common among all infertile men. The best course of treatment depends on the specific cause of the azoospermia, along with the fertility potential of the female partner.

There are actually no symptoms to show but if you've been trying to get your partner pregnant without success, this condition could be the cause;

📌 Pretesticular azoospermia; Your testicles are normal but your body can’t get them to make sperm. It might happen because of low hormone levels or after you’ve had chemotherapy. This is pretty rare.

📌 Testicular azoospermia; Damage to your testicles keeps them form making sperm normally, as a result of;

  • Infection in your reproductive tract such as epididymitis and urethritis

  • A childhood illness such as viral orchitis, which causes swelling of one or both testicles.

  • A groin injury

  • Cancer or radiation

  • Genetic conditions

A man looking up to God for a child shouldn't live near mast. Yes, you might enjoy fast internet services, but the demerits are high.

📌 Post-testicular Azoospermia: Your testicles make normal sperm, but something keeps them from getting out e.g.

  • A blockage in the tubes that carry sperm from your testicles to your penis. This is called obstructive azoospermia

  • A vasectomy

  • Retrograde ejaculation, when semen goes into your bladder instead of out of your penis during an orgasm. Like 40% of men with azoospermia have the post-testicular type.

The only likely symptoms that may indicate you’re at risk for azoospermia are;

💧 Low ejaculate volume or “dry” orgasm (no or little semen)

💧 Cloudy urine after sex

💧 Painful urination

💧 Pelvic pain

💧 Swollen testicles

💧 Small or undescended testicles

💧 Smaller than normal penis

💧 Delayed or abnormal puberty

💧 Difficulty with erections or ejaculation

💧 Low sex drive

💧 Reduced male hair growth

💧 Muscle loss

Azoospermia affect only the males

Treatment for azoospermia is entirely dependent on the type and cause of the condition. If the zero sperm count is caused by a blockage (perhaps after a surgical operation some times ago) then your doctor can occasionally attempt to remove the source of this blockage through surgical procedure. But if it's any other one apart from these, it can be cured with some special herbs but you must be very ready for this. Because it might take 120 days before everything is finally and perfectly restored.

It is often assumed that men with azoospermia can’t have genetic children, but this isn’t necessarily so. Also, that there’s a confirm solution to azoospermia doesn’t mean a man turn his name name to NNPC, or Benevolent. You’re not the oil well of Niger, so please gently-gently. Above all, eat the right meal and exercise every 30 minutes if your occupation is pertaining to sit down everyday.

Eating Beans before sex is not good.

As for solutions to Azoospermia, it's a special herb which whoever that encounter it must be using for continuous 120 days or else go for surgical operation.

This where we shall be drawing the curtains for today's Health Discussion.

I remain your friend, and brother.

I am Dr. Ifeoluwaseun

Thank you all

The solutions to Azoospermia are;

📌 Detoxin Tab or Black Tea

📌 Royal Tea or Angel Tea

📌 Haem pill

📌 Kordy Capsule

📌 Men's Formula

Let the victim be on medication for 45 day without break

Treatment of Azoospermia is not as easy as treatment of Oligospermia, so be ready for 90 - 120 days consistent treatment. And be eating fruits as well.

The first 45 days will reveal if you should continue or you're finally okay. It's all base on your body chemistry.



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