You're all welcome to today's Health Discussion. Before we finally dive into today's Health Discussion, I want to discuss something with us. There is something we men and women do in our kitchen when preparing our meals which is not ideal. If you notice very well, you will see that when a goat is killed, the whole intestines is clean and fresh. This is because the goat eat the right vegetable. Just like we human, we also eat what gives us nutrition and balance diet but cook it in another way. One of this way is when preparing our vegetable which is efo riro. We all boil our water to 💯 centigrade before pouring our already cut vegetables into the hot water. After that, we now cook for good 5 minutes or more. If you notice very well, when you eventually put down the vegetable, and pour the hot water away, the water is green in colour. What we actually pour away is alkaline, and what remains with us is fibre
This fibre is only good for easy digestion of our food. The real thing had gone away by hot water. This is the main reason why Doctors do recommend ewedu soup for sound Health. Not that efo riro can't be replaced with it, but there's no how you will boil ewedu and pour the water away. You continue the cooking. So that chlorophyll is present in ewedu but absent in efo riro because you pour the water away. So, please when preparing our efo riro, let us wash the cut leaves with cold water 3 to 4 times until we are sure it is clean. Then we can cook but not for several minutes. There are other things we do, like, using Maggie here and there on every process of cooking. Maggie is more of chemicals than locust beans. There are things we can use to reduce the amount of Maggie. The reason is because too much maggie is not good for our kidney and liver. We can grind locust beans with crayfish and use stock fish. Before the end of the preparation, we will only need very few maggie/salt. Also, when eating swallow, we should let our efo riro be more than the actual eba in 💯 percent
Now, let's dive into today's discussion
We want to discuss about Diabetes.
What is diabetes?
How many types do we have, and what are the solutions?
The easiest way to know if you have DIABETES, is if you drank a bottle of eva water, and the urine that came out from you is 3/4 of the whole bottle, you have diabetes.
Another way to know is that, if you went to bed and before you wake up the next morning, you have visited the toilet like 5 times, then you have diabetes. When such person is urinating excessively beyond normal, he/she has diabetes, excluding pregnant women.
Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. The blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat.
There are like 4 types of Diabetes, but two is commonly known.
We have Type 1 diabetes and we have Type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes typically occurs in children and young adults. Although, it can appear at any age. Having a parent or sibling with the disease may increase your chance of developing type 1 diabetes. The symptoms are serious and usually happen quickly over a few days to weeks.
Symptoms can include;
📌 Increased thirst and urination
📌 Increased hunger
📌 Blurred vision
📌 Fatigue
📌 Unexplained weight loss
Sometimes the first symptoms of type 1 diabetes are signs of a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and these include;
📌 Breathe that smells fruity
📌 Dry or flushed skin
📌 Nausea or vomiting
📌 Stomach pain
📌 Trouble breathing
📌 Trouble paying attention or feeling confused
But the health problems, people that have type 1 diabetes can develop are;
📌 Heart diseases
📌 Stroke
📌 Kidney disease
📌 Eye Problem
📌 Dental disease
📌 Nerve damage
📌 Foot Problem
📌 Depression
It is often said that diabetes does not have Solution or can't be cured. I'm here to notify you that diabetes is curable
The other one is Type 2 diabetes. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, type 2 diabetes occur most often in middle aged and older people. You're likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of Diabetes, or are overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Type 2 diabetes is caused by several factors including;
📌 overweighting and obesity
📌 not being physically active
📌 insulin resistance (when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don't respond well to insulin and can't easily take up glucose from your blood)
📌 genes (a trait passed from parent to child)
In line with my mode of operation, you only need 5 Products to erase diabetes.
Note that to erase diabetes from your body system depends on the type of diabetes you have, and also depends on your body Chemistry too. So, which means you might have to repeat the prescribed medicine again
The Solutions are just 5 Products and everything is sealed
Dial B,
Danshen Plus,
Double Ginseng,
B-Care Tablets
Just like we all know the website
If there's any questions, you're free to ask
