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It's another new week. Good evening to everyone in the House.

My name is Dr. Ifeoluwaseun your Health Facilitator. It's a new week again and we're having our Health Discussion right away.

This evening let's discuss about one major ailment affecting every man and woman. If you know someone who is constantly hungry, drinks a lot of water, often goes to pee and has to take a shot every day, then, unfortunately that person may be suffering from a disease called “Diabetes Mellitus.”

But if someone keeps drinking water and twitching with pain, such person has a kidney stone inside his tummy. I didn’t say such person swallow a stone. But this kidney stone is something that is formed inside the body.

Now let's treat the diabetes first.

Diabetes, also known as Diabetes mellitus means to pass-through. It’s a disease that occurs when your blood glucose – a sugar, that is, the body’s main source of fuel is too high. But, before we dig deeper into the subject of diabetes, first, we need to learn about a body organ called; “Pancreas,” that is located right behind your stomach. Pancreas plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells, and helps in the digestion process. Just the same as your generator convert your petrol into gas so it can work effectively to give you light. The Pancreas has another important task in hand, and that is, regulating the amount of sugar in your blood with the help of hormones called “Insulin” and “Glucagon” that are produced in a special cell with a fancy name that is, “The Islets of Langerhans.”

When you eat a heavy meal, the food is converted into glucose and enters your blood to be transported to your cells all over the body. So, the special cells in your pancreas sense this and release the “Insulin” to help decrease blood sugar levels. It does this by activating a system that transports excess glucose from your blood into your cells, where it is used as energy fuel or saved for later use.

On the other hand, if the level of blood sugar is low, the pancreas then releases another hormone called “Glucagon,” which tells the cells and liver to release the stored sugar back into the blood. And this is exactly how this long flat gland in your belly helps you to maintain the level of sugar in your body. But in some cases, the “Pancreas” doesn’t work effectively and fails to produce adequate insulin, leading to a condition we call; “DIABETES.” Due to the lack of insulin, glucose stays in the blood and builds up, resulting in the hardening of blood vessels that can lead to multiple issues like strokes, heart attack, or kidney failure. So, it’s essential to spread awareness about diabetes, that comes in different forms, namely;

📌 Type 1

📌 Type 2, and

📌 Gestational diabetes

In Type 1, your body does not create insulin, as your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that produces it. I mean when your immune system is too strong.

In Type 2, the pancreas cannot produce insulin as well, or your body cannot use it effectively.

And lastly, Gestational diabetes develops in some women during pregnancy.

There are actually 5 types of Diabetes. Apart from Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes, two other less common types include; “Monogenic diabetes,” which is an inherited form of diabetes, and “Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.” Also, if you eat fewer larger meals, you might have low blood glucose.

Obasanjo said it this year that diabetes can't be cured. You can only manage it. Don't mind the man. He only believes in orthodox Medicine (chemically synthesized drugs). He doesn't believe in herbs.

I am using this medium to tell you that Diabetes is very much curable.

Now, let's go to the other part that I mentioned earlier; Kidney Stones. If the more you keep drinking water, you feel pain in your belly, it is possible you have kidney stones. I did not say you're eating stone. Kidney Stones, also known as “Renal Calculus,” are hard, small masses of crystals that can form inside the kidneys that are part of the urinary tract. Our kidney has many jobs and one crucial role is to filter the blood to remove waste in the form of urine that contains compounds that consist of water, sodium, calcium, oxalate, potassium, phosphate, and uric acid. And sometimes, the level, of these particles increases or urine becomes too acidic, which can lead the particles to bond together and crystalize. And if left untreated, these crystals can slowly grow in size with time and ultimately form a Kidney Stone.

There are five main types of Kidney Stones;

1. Calcium Oxalate

2. Calcium Phosphate

3. Struvite

4. Uric Acid

5. Cystine

But let's go into number 1 alone for today.

Calcium Oxalate is the most common form. Generally, they are small and undetectable until they grow in size and begin to travel through the kidney and into the ureter, and its sharp edges scratch the wall of the urinary tract, causing tremendous pain which can lead to symptoms like vomiting, nausea and can cause a burning sensation while urinating.

Not only that, if the stone grows bigger, it may block the flow of urine and can cause an infection i.e. causing one or more kidneys to swell. And people will call it devil at work. Not all Kidney Stones grow so big and irritating and generally pass out of the body on its own. To get rid of it, all you need to do is drink plenty of water. But if you continue to feel the pain that spreads to the lower belly and continues, then consult your doctor as soon as possible.

People who get kidney stones have a health condition that increases their risk for them. But some might get them for no particular known reason. Although there are types of kidney stones that run in families, and getting kidney stones once could put an individual at risk of getting it again.

Other factors responsible for kidney stones include unhealthy diet, dehydration, metabolic disorders, etc. There have been questions on how to prevent these kidney stones. Well, it’s not always possible to prevent some kinds of kidney stones, but the easiest way to keep these stones away from our belly is drinking enough water to avoid dehydration and cutting back on salt.

Both ailment are curable. Either diabetes or kidney stones.

Although diabetes is hereditary but there's no ailment without its own Solution.

I would like to rest my fingers at this junction. Thank you for your time.

I remain Dr. Ifeoluwaseun

I make use of herbal medicine which has no side effects for treatment of any ailments and diseases.

These Medicines will erase the kidney stones from your system. They are a bit costly but it works more than its actual value




These will take away diabetes no matter the type:

Royal Tea

Red Tea

Dial B, or Glutrins


Double Ginseng

All can be gotten from here



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