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It’s a blessed day again! Good Evening and how is Business? I hope Business is moving fine? If YES, please use few seconds of your time to say thank you God.

This evening, I’d like to bring our attention to something. For a while I’ve been thinking about this and also seeking for reasons. We human being love to eat meat but we take less fruits.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were introduced to fruits. But when they were cast out, meat was introduced to them as they even use animal skin as clothing.

Fruits are very beneficial to us human, but even when we visit the Suya seller to make purchase, we ate the meat wrapped, but ignore the onions the Suya seller add to it. Meanwhile onions are very beneficial to us as well. Well, any meat with little fats inside or cooked meat fat are always delicious

There’s no assurance that anyone here ate some fruits last week but we prefer fruit juice as well. If you want to clear pimples on your face and have a light weight body, eat nothing but fruits alone for the next 7 days. I mean, let your breakfast, lunch and dinner be fruits and fruits alone; not fruit juice. You will surely love to do it again. Although it might cost you money, but if you can, you’d love it. I once try such.

Now, let’s dwell into today’s Health Discussion.

Dementia is a broad term that describes a loss of thinking ability, memory, attention, logical reasoning, and other mental abilities. These changes are severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.

Many things can cause dementia. It happens when the parts of your brain used for learning, memory, decision making, and language are damaged or diseased.

You might also hear it called major neurocognitive disorder. Dementia isn’t a disease. Instead, it’s a group of symptoms caused by other conditions.

Though dementia mostly affects older adults at least 65 years of age and it increases every 5 years; It is not a part of normal aging. Many older adults live their entire lives without developing dementia.

Normal aging may include weakening muscles and bones, stiffening of arteries and vessels, and some age-related memory changes that may show as:

1. Occasionally misplacing car keys

2. Struggling to find a word but remembering it later

3. Forgetting the name of an acquaintance

4. Forgetting the most recent events

Because dementia is a general term, its symptoms can vary widely from person to person. People with dementia have problems with:

a. Memory

b. Attention

c. Communication

d. Reasoning, judgment, and problem solving

e. Visual perception beyond typical age-related changes in vision

Signs that may point to dementia include:

  1. Getting lost in a familiar neighborhood

  2. Communication problems like not being able to come up with a word

  3. Forgetting the name of a close family member or friend

  4. Short-term memory problems, like forgetting where you put something or asking the same question over and over

  5. Not being able to complete tasks independently

  6. Trouble with complex but familiar tasks, like fixing a meal or paying bills

  7. Personality changes, like depression, agitation, paranoia, and mood swings

What increases the risk for dementia?

  • Age i.e. 65 years and above

  • Family history who have people with dementia are more likely to develop dementia themselves.

  • Illnesses including diabetes, Down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and sleep apnea

  • Poor heart health; High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, heavy alcohol use, poor diet, and lack of exercise increase the risk of dementia if not treated properly.

  • Traumatic brain injury; Head injuries can increase the risk of dementia, especially if they are severe or occur repeatedly.

  • Depression

  • Strokes

  • Infection of the brain (for example, meningitis and syphilis)

Types of Dementia are partially manageable, but they aren’t reversible:

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Vascular dementia

• Dementia from Parkinson’s disease and similar disorders

• Dementia with Lewy bodies

• Frontotemporal dementia (Pick’s disease)

• Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Dementia can be split into two groups based on which part of the brain is affected.

Cortical dementias happen because of problems in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain. They play a critical role in memory and language. People with these types of dementia usually have severe memory loss and can’t remember words or understand language. Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are two forms of cortical dementia.

Subcortical dementias happen because of problems in the parts of the brain beneath the cortex. People with subcortical dementias tend to show changes in their speed of thinking and ability to start activities. Usually, people with subcortical dementia don’t have forgetfulness and language problems. Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and HIV can cause these types of dementia.

Some types of dementia affect both parts of the brain. For example, Lewy Body dementia is both cortical and subcortical.

Stages of Dementia

Usually, dementia goes through these stages. But it may vary depending on the area of the brain that’s affected.

  1. No impairment. Someone at this stage will show no symptoms, but tests may reveal a problem.

  2. Very mild decline. You may notice slight changes in behavior, but your loved one will still be independent.

  3. Mild decline. You’ll notice more changes in their thinking and reasoning. They may have trouble making plans, and they may repeat themselves a lot. They may also have a hard time remembering recent events.

  4. Moderate decline. They’ll have more problems with making plans and remembering recent events. They may have a hard time with traveling and handling money.

  5. Moderately severe decline. They may not remember their phone number or their grandchildren’s names. They may be confused about the time of day or day of the week. At this point, they’ll need assistance with some basic day-to-day functions, such as picking out clothes to wear.

  6. Severe decline. They’ll begin to forget the name of their spouse. They’ll need help going to the restroom and eating. You may also see changes in their personality and emotions.

  7. Very severe decline. They can no longer speak their thoughts. They can’t walk and will spend most of their time in bed.


Keep your mind active. Mentally stimulating activities, such as reading, solving puzzles and playing word games, and memory training might delay the onset of dementia and decrease its effects.

Be physically and socially active. Aim for 150 minutes of exercise a week.

  1. Quit smoking.

  2. Get enough vitamins.

  3. Manage cardiovascular risk factors. Treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Lose weight if you’re overweight.

High blood pressure might lead to a higher risk of some types of dementia.

Treat health conditions.

Maintain a healthy diet; such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega-3 fatty acids, which are commonly found in certain fish and nuts — might promote health and lower your risk of developing dementia. This type of diet also improves cardiovascular health, which may help lower dementia risk.

Get good-quality sleep.

Treat hearing problems.

And most importantly, seek a medical personnel and don’t be far away from such people.

Solutions are:

Chinese Royal Tea,

Double Ginseng,

Relaxing Pill,

Danshen Plus,

B care

Everything can be gotten from our shop



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