Good Evening! You're all welcome to today's Health Discussion.
I'm Dr. Ifeoluwaseun; your Health Facilitator. I'm sorry I may not take long due to preparation of tomorrow but we shall discuss few things.
This evening, let us discuss about one of our foods; Beans. Is it good for the body? Hmm! Absolutely YES! But don't try to eat any uncooked beans of any kind. If you do, na Baba God you dey write letter to; Heaven straight! If you want to kill a goat, give it some uncooked beans to eat. After that, give it water to drink: Au-revoir.
It is estimated that up to 20% of annual food poisoning cases are attributed to consumption of undercooked beans. For example, you know some things do happen at home or in schools whereby your are cooking your beans and the gas got finished along the way. Since you don't have other means, you decide to have your dinner that way and sleep. In the middle of the night, you will be hearing the rumble sound in your stomach. Before the next morning, you would have visited the toilet at least twice. Please always cook your beans very well i.e. make it soft, and make it cool before eating. Beans are sweet to eat. But I just don’t understand why Esau exchange his birth right with porridge. Maybe Jacob prepare èwà àgànyìn or lámúlúkẹ, only God can tell. If you don’t know èwà àgànyìn, chat up the Courier Delivery services on this group, they will bring it to your doorstep for a token.
So, as I was saying, thoroughly cooking beans will eliminate any risk.
Beans contain a compound called lectin. Lectin are glycoproteins that are present in a wide variety of commonly consumed plant foods. Some are not harmful, but the lectins found in undercooked and raw beans are toxic. Beans actually have a better nutritional profile after they are cooked. Beans must be boiled to destroy the lectins.
It is often observed that people in the village live longer than people in the city. The first thing is, they ate fresh foods. The second thing is, there are lots of trees planted from house to the farm. We in the city hardly eat fruits except fruit juice. And even if we do, it is the one that has been preserved by chemicals. How then will it not affect our hormones?
We fell down lots of trees to build industries that will pollute the atmosphere with it's carbon monoxide. Hardy will you find a tree from one metre to the next in the urban areas.
These trees are those that breathe in our carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen for us. Since there are absence of trees, we now inhale diluted oxygen back into our lungs. But in the rural areas, thy have lots of trees to absorb their CO2 and they get fresh O2 in return. If there's a place to plant a tree in our compound, please let's do it.
Also, when we buy things from the market, please let us wash it very well before cooking. For example, some butchers are so dirty and non caring when selling their cow's meat to Customers. They neither protect their goods from flies. Flies have free access to it. And once a customer came to purchase the beef, when she get home, she washes the meat with ordinary water and boil it. She then use the boiled water to prepare soup or jollof rice and so on. Little did she knew that the diseases brought by flies can't be wash away by ordinary water.
When washing the meat, add salt to the water before washing. After that, boil the meat slightly without adding anything to it. Pour the water away and now boil your meat the way you desire. The first water you poured away has taken away all Diseases.
And when you put things in your freezer, separate them in a container each. You have left over food, you put it inside the fridge. You just buy fish, you put am for fridge. You just grind pepper, put am for fridge. The more you do this, the taste and odour of everything in this fridge will mix together. This is why you will notice the edge door of your freezer change its colour and getting dirty. Do you stain the edge of this freezer door? Or do you paint it? No! It is the odour from what is inside the freezer that paint the edge itself. However, it is not proper to have your food inside freezer for 48 hours. It will loose it's taste. Which is why you will now be adding maggie etc. to resurrect the taste. It is not every food you see inside the market that you should buy. Try to know how the seller is preparing it. With this, you will know how hygiene your customer is, so that you won't be using your money to buy sickness.
As a lady, it is not good to share towel with your friends or sisters. Any lady of puberty age should have her own towel. You can never tell which area you clean last with the towel. The side of the towel that clean the bottom today is coming to clean the face tomorrow. And for the men, it is not good to use a singlet for one good week before washing. The sweat from your body will stay on this singlet and when you don't change it at the right time, you invite rashes back into your skin.
The same way you wash your clothes, make sure you wash your bed sheet and pillow at least once a week. Reason is because when you sleep at night, your face add dirt to your pillow. And you will still sleep on that same pillow the next day. How then won't you get pimples and face rashes? If you have pimples and rashes, there are people on this group with correct solutions.
And the last thing, if you're not married yet or looking up to God for the child of the womb, don't live near any network mast so that your scrotum won't be boiled like eggs. 4G network is good but the demerit is more than the merit. Remember 5G and 6G are still coming. The stronger the network, the more harmful it is to our Health. So please, avoid areas with any network mast like MTN, Glo etc. and any radio mast.
Just like I promised. I won't take your time.
Now, we arrived at the end of today's Health Discussion.
Do I have questions Sir/Ma?

This is interesting