Your eyes really are the window to your soul, but they’re also responsible for the sign of indication into your health.
1. White Spots Infection
This can be a sign of a corneal infection which is relatively common among people who wear contact lenses
2. Eyelid Twitching
Stress symptoms can be shown in many ways, including eyelid twitching. This annoying symptom will go off when you get more rest and manage your stress levels.
3. Triggering of Diabetes
You must get your eyes checked to tell that blurred vision can indicates medical problem with the eye itself, but also can be sign of diabetes. Ophthalmologist can tell diabetes during eye exam based on irregularities in your retina. Reports revealed that patient with blurred vision are coming from 73 percentage of diabetic patients.
4. High in Cholesterol Level
If you notice a white ring developing around your corneal arcus (iris), you must visit medical general practitioner for check-up & ophthalmologist too. This is an indication of high cholesterol and triglycerides level, which can lead to increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
5. Hypertensive Retinopathy
The level of your untreated high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in your retina, known as hypertensive retinopathy. This effect cannot be seen visually by yourself through the mirror. However, eye exam performed by your doctor will be able to spot the damage.
6. Allergies Concern
You should be very familiar that being unconsciously rubbing your eye frequently, this is the sign that your eyes are super dry and the skin around is little worn. If you often rubbing your eye hard, that can cause eyelid to become looser, saggy and have wrinkles. However, eyelid sags can lead to increase in exposure to air and eye will overly dry. Beware of the seasonal allergies, most common cause of itchy eyes.
7. Your Vision Have Dots
Did you notice any little dots that move around your field of vision sometimes? They are known as eye floaters, a natural aging process, but if notice sudden increase, then it’s a symptom of an emergency that requires prompt attention.
8. Eye Puffiness
If you notice that your eyes are irritated & puffiness, normal assumption is having infection, but it is more as a common sign of tiredness and not having enough sleep.
9. Bumps on Iris
If you noticed any yellowish patch or bump located on the whites to the side of your iris, that’s known as pinguecula. It’s a very rare pre-cancerous, but usually they are not. This are the symptoms of people who often spend too much time under the sun and also similar to a callus on the skin. Recent studies had discovered that ultraviolet light’s effects on the eye can be protected from exposed directly by wearing specific lenses to protect the eyes from damaged. If you noticed any patches, talk to your ophthalmologist.
10. Eyes Yellowness
If you noticed the white side of your eyes are becoming yellow, then it’s a warning sign telling you that your body has something wrong. The highest rate of this culprit is Jaundice, an illness that happened when too much bilirubin, a yellow compound production from the cause of red blood cells breakdown in your blood. If your liver is not able to filter the cells, then the bilirubin formation can cause your eyes & skin to become yellow. Even though it’s pretty rare in adults, happened in babies are born with jaundice sometimes, but most of the time in all ages was from the cause of an infection such as hepatitis, alcohol-associated liver disease, or blockage in bile ducts such as gallstones or cancer.
11. Eye Tears Up
If you are wasting too much time looking on the mobile phone, computer screen or television screen, these can be causing your eyes to strain and tears up. The reason that your eyes will response by tearing because the tear system of eye will normally ensure eye wetness enough to be comfortable without too wet or dry.
12. Eyes Straining
If your eye has blood red vessel, it is harmless and is not indicative of any eye disease. Broken blood vessels must be attentive for treatment, but mostly blood red vessel just indicates your eyes are working overtime, too exhausted, or most probably caused by coughing or straining.
Recognize these 12 eyes indications so that you can interpret your close one to help them perform a quick check and always advise them to do eye exam if they feel any abnormal worsening condition of their eyes.
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