Breast lump are non cancerous which means they are benign. This is a growth of tissue that develops within your breast.
A round smooth and firm breast lump
A hard irregular shaped breast lump
Skin redness or dimpling like an orange
Changes in breast size or shape
Fluid leaking from your nipple.
Breast Cyst: A dilated milk duct filled with fluid
Fibrocystic breast changes: Your breast may feel tender
Fibroadenomas: Non cancerous breast tumors
Injuries & Infections: Severe injury to your breast tissue can cause breast lump.
Breast Cancer: A breast lump that is painless surround breast tissue might be Cancer.
Cut down the level of Carbohydrate intakes.
Regular Eating of fruits.
Always eat high fibre diet
Stage 1:
Detoxin Tab
Royal Tea
Stage 2:
Kordy Capsule
Danshen Plus
Double Ginseng