Cluster headaches are severe attacks of pain that can last for long periods. You may get them for Weeks, Months or Year.
A sharp, burning or piercing pain, usually on 1 side of the head, around the eye.
Headaches that happen at the same time of year or at set times of the day.
Headaches that start and stop quickly, without warning.
Pain that can make you feel restless, you may want to walk around or move your body.
Headaches that last between 15 minutes and 3 hours.
a red and watering eye on the same side as the pain.
feeling sick.
Drooping and swelling in the eyelid on the same side as the pain.
A smaller pupil in the eye on the same side as the pain.
Face sweating.
A blocked or runny nose.
Drinking alcohol
The smell of paint, nail varnish or petrol
Stage 1:
Royal Tea
Detoxin Tab
Stage 2:
Danshen Plus
B-Care Tab
Relaxing Pill
Double Ginseng
St Pills/HT Pills