1. What is Kidney?
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located below the rib cage one on each side of the spine.
2. Functions of the Kidneys.
a. Regulate electrolyte (salt) concentrations.
b. Regulate amount of fluid within the body.
c. Help regulate blood pressure.
d. Help maintain acid-base (pH) balance.
e. Produce hormones that affect blood and bones.
f. Waste excretion i. e urea, uric acid and drugs.
3. What is kidney disease?
Kidney disease is the disease that affect your kidney ability to clean your blood and help control your blood pressure. It can also affect red blood cells production and vitamin D metabolism needed for bone health.
4. Causes of kidney disease.
a. Not enough blood flow to the kidneys.
b. Direct damage to the kidneys.
c. Urine backed up in kidneys.
d. Dehydration or muscle breakdown.
e. Having an enlarged prostate or kidney stones that blocks your urine flow.
f. Infection called sepsis.
g. Autoimmune disease etc.
5. Signs and Symptoms
a. High blood pressure.
b. Nausea and vomiting.
c. Loss of appetite.
d. Fatigue
e. Weakness
f. Trouble thinking
g. Insomnia
h. Muscle twitches and cramps
i. Swelling of feet and ankles
j. Itching that persist
k. Chest pain
l. Shortness of breath
6. How to take good care of kidneys
a. Keep active and fit
b. Manage your blood sugar
c. Monitor blood pressure
d. Monitor weight and eat a balance diet
e. Drink plenty of fluids i.e. water
f. Don't smoke
g. Be aware of the amount of over-the-counter pills you take i.e. pain medication
h. Test kidneys function if at risk.
7. GreenLife Products
a. Detoxin tablet
b. Royal tea
c. Kidney care
d. Danshen
e. Double ginseng
f. Kordy cap